List of keywords in python

Python Keywords – these are words that have special meanings to the Python interpreters. Keywords are also known as reserved words and cannot be used as valid names for an identifier or variable.

Keywords in Python play a crucial role in defining the syntax and structure of the language.

They provide a concise way to express common programming constructs, such as control flow statements, variable assignments, and function definitions.

By understanding and utilizing these keywords effectively, developers can write efficient and readable code.

Python has a set of 35 keywords that play critical roles in defining control structures, data types, and other fundamental aspects of the language.

They are case-sensitive and must be written in lowercase.

The following is a list of keywords in Python programming and a brief description of what they stand for.


This is a logical operator used in conditional tests for combining two or more boolean expressions.  The outcome is True if all the expressions are True and False if any of the expressions evaluates to False.


This keyword is used together with the keyword as during module and package imports to create an alias upon which the module can be accessed. It is also used to create an alias when working with files, networks and sockets. The as keyword allows you to provide an alias for a module or object, making it easier to refer to them in your code.


This is used in unit tests to return the outcome of conditional tests. It returns either True or False.


This keyword is used to specify that a given function is a coroutine. It is written before the def keyword in function definitions.


This keyword is used in asynchronous programming to pause or suspend a coroutine from running.


This is used to terminate or stop an iteration process. It is used when working with for loops or while loops.


This is used to designate that a given block of code is a class. To define a class in Python, the class keyword is followed by the class name.


This is used to skip statements from execution during an iteration process.


This keyword is used in function definitions to indicate that you are creating a function. It allows you to encapsulate a block of code into a reusable function, enabling modular and efficient programming.


This is used to delete a namespace or remove items in a sequence such as lists, sets and dictionaries.


This is used to provide an alternative course of action to take if the expression in the if statement evaluates to False.


This is used in control statements to indicate statements to execute if the prior conditions are not met.


This is used as a part of try-except statements for exception handling in programs.


This is a boolean value representing OFF or 0 in the binary digits.


This is used in exception handling to indicate statements that must be executed in a try-except block.


This is used in creating an iteration procedure as part of the for loop statements.


This is used to specify modules or attributes of a given module to select during module imports.


This is used to specify that a variable is the same as another variable, bearing the same name that is defined in the global scope.


This is used as part of the if conditional statements, to specify the conditions upon which the underlying code block should be executed.


This is used to indicate module files or packages to be fetched during module or package imports.


This is a membership operator used to determine whether a given object is available in a sequence.


This is an identity operator used to determine whether two objects or values are exactly the same.


This is used to define anonymous functions, otherwise known as lambda functions in Python.


This keyword is used to define a state of null or no value for an object.


This is used to instruct the interpreter that a given variable is the same as that in the enclosing function.


This is used as a logical and comparison operator to imply an opposite value. Hence, not True is the same as False.


It is used as a logical operator to combine boolean expressions.  It returns True if at least one of the expressions is True and False if all the expressions evaluate to False.


This is used to indicate a null operation. It is a placeholder that does nothing and is often used when a statement is required syntactically but does not need to perform any operation.


This is used to raise exceptions in a program in Python programming.


This is used to specify the value to be returned during a function call. It is used to exit a function and return a value.


This is a boolean condition representing ON or 1 in the binary digits.


This is used for exception handling to indicate the start of the try except blocks.


This is used in creating an iteration procedure as part of while loop.


This is often used together with the keyword ‘as’ to create an alias.


This is used to control the flow of the program in a generator function. The ‘yield’ keyword allows you to create iterators, generators, and coroutines, enabling efficient and memory-friendly code.


Python keywords play a vital role in the language’s syntax and behaviour.

Understanding their meanings and utilizing them correctly is crucial for writing clean, efficient, and error-free Python code.

Whether you’re creating conditional statements, loops, functions, or working with classes and exceptions, keywords enable you to express your logic effectively.

By grasping the significance of Python keywords and avoiding conflicts with variable names, you’ll unlock the true potential of the language and harness its power to build robust and scalable applications.

So, embrace the keywords and let them guide you towards writing Pythonic code that is both elegant and functional.

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