Python finally keyword

Python finally keyword is used to indicate statements or codes that must be executed in a try-except block in exception handling.

This allows programmers to ensure the execution of critical cleanup operations regardless of whether an exception occurs.


The try-except-finally construct provides a structured way to handle exceptions and gracefully recover from errors.


    # Code that might raise an exception
except ExceptionType:
    # Exception handling code
    # Cleanup code that will be executed regardless of exceptions

The finally block, which follows the try and except blocks, guarantees that a set of statements will be executed, irrespective of whether an exception occurs or not.

It is useful when dealing with resources that need to be released, such as files, network connections, or database connections.

Also, it ensures that cleanup operations, like closing files or releasing resources, are performed reliably, regardless of the outcome of the preceding code.

Closing file operations

Let’s consider a scenario where we want to read a file, perform some operations on its contents, and ensure that the file is closed properly, even if an exception occurs during processing.

Here’s how the finally block can help us achieve this:

    file = open("data.txt", "r")
    # Perform some operations on the file
except FileNotFoundError:
    print("File not found.")
except Exception as e:
    print("An error occurred:", str(e))
    file.close()  # Cleanup operation

In this example, the try block attempts to open the file data.txt for reading.

If the file is not found, a FileNotFoundError exception is raised and caught in the corresponding except block.

The finally block guarantees that the file will be closed, regardless of the exception path taken.


The finally keyword in Python is a powerful tool that ensures the reliable execution of cleanup operations regardless of whether exceptions occur.

By utilizing the finally block, developers can gracefully handle exceptions, maintain code integrity, and prevent resource leaks.

It promotes clean, readable, and robust code, aligning with Python’s philosophy of simplicity and practicality.

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