Bona Akubue | Software Developer

python false keyword

Python False Keyword

Python False keyword is a boolean condition representing 0 or Off in the binary level.

It is used to represent a Boolean value that is false.

In Python, a Boolean value represents one of two possible states: true or false.

While True denotes a condition that is true, False represents the opposite—a condition that is false or not true.

Boolean variable assignment

You can assign False as a value to a variable as shown below.

is_true = False

Here, the variable is_true is assigned the Boolean value False.

This indicates that the condition or statement represented by is_true is false.

Conditional statements

False is an essential aspect of logical expressions and conditional statements.

Consider the following if statement:

if condition == False:
    # Do something
    # Do something else

In this example, the if statement checks if the condition is False. If the condition evaluates to False, the corresponding block of code is executed.

Otherwise, the else block is executed.

Boolean operations

The False keyword allows you to perform different kinds of boolean operations.

is_true = True
is_false = False

and_result = is_true and is_false
or_result = is_true or is_false
not_result = not is_false

These examples demonstrate different Boolean operations.

The and operator returns Trueif both operands are True, otherwise, it returns False.

The or operator returns True if at least one operand is True.

The not operator negates the Boolean value, so not False evaluates to True.

Comparison operators

x = 5
y = 10

is_equal = (x == y)       # Evaluates to False
is_not_equal = (x != y)   # Evaluates to True

The == operator checks if the operands are equal.

In this example, x is compared to y, and since they are not equal (5 is not equal to 10), the expression x == y evaluates to False.

The != operator checks if the operands are not equal, so x != y evaluates to True.


Indeed, the False keyword plays a pivotal role in Boolean logic.

By understanding how to utilize the False keyword effectively, programmers can build robust applications and create logical structures that adhere to the principles of Boolean logic.

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