Python as keyword

Python as keyword is primarily used for imports and assigning aliases to objects. Hence, allowing you to write code that is concise, readable and devoid of naming conflicts.

In the following examples, you will learn how to use the as keyword to simplify imports and for creating aliases.

Example 1: Importing Modules with the as keyword

The as keyword provides a way to customize or change the name of the imported module.

Consider the following example:

import math as m

result = m.sqrt(4)

result = m.pi



In this example, math module is imported and assigned an alias ‘m’ using the as keyword. This way, you can access the functions and objects in the module using the shorter alias ‘m’ instead of the full module name ‘math’. It not only saves typing effort but also enhances code readability, especially when working with large libraries.

Example 2: Exception Handling with the as keyword

The as keyword is also utilized in exception handling to capture and assign an exception object to a variable. This enables you to handle specific error scenarios or perform additional operations based on the exception details. Consider the following example:

    result = 5 / 0
except ZeroDivisionError as error:
    print("Error occurred:", error)


Error occurred: division by zero

In this example, the as keyword is used to assign the ZeroDivisionError object to the variable error. This allows you to access attributes of the exception and handle it gracefully. Thereby, making it possible to provide meaningful feedback to the user.

Example 3: Context Managers with the as keyword

The as keyword is used together with context managers to assign names to results. Context managers are commonly used to manage resources such as files, network connections, and locks. They ensure that resources are properly initialized and released, even in the presence of exceptions.

Here’s an example using the ‘with’ statement and the open() function for file handling:

with open('example.txt') as file:
    content =

In this example, the as keyword is used to assign the file object returned by the open() function to the variable file. This ensures that the file is automatically closed when the with block is exited, regardless of any exceptions that may occur.


The as keyword in Python provides a convenient and flexible way to simplify imports, assign aliases to modules or objects, and rename variables.

By leveraging this keyword effectively, developers can improve code readability, avoid naming conflicts, and enhance the overall maintainability of their Python projects.

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