Python None Keyword

Python None keyword

Python None keyword is used to define an object with no value at all. A value with the value None can also be said to be a null value.

Python lambda keyword

python lambda keyword

Python lambda keyword is used to define anonymous functions, otherwise known as lambda functions in Python. With the lambda keyword you can create anonymous functions on the fly. While traditional function definitions have their place, the lambda keyword offers a…

Python in keyword

python in keyword

Python in keyword is used to check whether a value exists within a given sequence, such as a string, list, tuple, or dictionary.

Python if keyword

python if keyword

Python if keyword is an important control statement in Python and is used to make decisions and control the flow of programs.

Python global keyword

python global keyword

Python global keyword is used to specify that a given variable refers to a variable defined in the global scope. It is used to explicitly indicate that a variable inside a function should refer to the global variable with the…

Python for keyword

python for keyword

Python for keyword is a powerful construct that allows you to iterate over a sequence of elements or perform repetitive tasks with ease.