Python raise keyword

Python raise keyword is used to raise exceptions in a program. It allows developers to generate and throw exceptions when certain conditions are met, providing control over the exception-handling process.

The general syntax for using the raise keyword is as follows:

raise ExceptionClassName("Error message")

Here, ExceptionClassName refers to the specific exception class that best represents the error being raised.

The optional “Error message” provides additional information about the exception.

Raising Built-in Exceptions

Python offers a wide range of built-in exception classes, including  ValueError, TypeError, ZeroDivisionError, and FileNotFoundError, among others.

By utilizing the raise keyword, you can raise these exceptions to indicate error conditions.

Let’s take a look at a simple example:

def divide(a, b):
    if b == 0:
        raise ZeroDivisionError("Cannot divide by zero")
    return a / b

    result = divide(10, 0)
except ZeroDivisionError as e:

In this example, the divide function checks if the denominator is zero and raises a ZeroDivisionError with an appropriate error message.

The try-except block then catches the exception, allowing you to handle it gracefully.

Without the raise keyword, the error would go unnoticed, leading to unexpected program behaviour.

Creating Custom Exceptions

While Python provides a rich set of built-in exceptions, there are cases where you would need to define your own custom exceptions to handle application-specific scenarios.

Custom exceptions can be created by subclassing the Exception or any of its subclasses.

The raise keyword is invaluable in raising and propagating these custom exceptions.

Let’s consider an example:

class CustomException(Exception):

def process_data(data):
    if not data:
        raise CustomException("Empty data provided")
    # Process the data

except CustomException as e:

In this example, a custom exception class called CustomException was defined by subclassing the Exception.

The process_data function checks if the data parameter is empty and raises the CustomException with an appropriate error message.

Once again, the raise keyword helps us identify and handle the exceptional condition effectively.

Exception Chaining

Python allows exceptions to be chained together to provide more comprehensive error information.

By using the raise keyword without any arguments inside an except block, the currently handled exception can be re-raised while preserving the original traceback.

This feature enables developers to propagate exceptions up the call stack for further analysis or handling.

In this example, the read_file function attempts to open a file for reading.

def read_file(filename):
        with open(filename, 'r') as file:
            content =
    except FileNotFoundError:
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find file: {filename}") from None
    return content

    content = read_file("missing_file.txt")
except FileNotFoundError as e:

If the file is not found, it raises a FileNotFoundError while preserving the original traceback.

The from None clause is used to indicate that this exception is not caused by another exception explicitly.

The chained exception, accessible through the ‘cause‘ attribute, provides additional context about the error.


The raise keyword in Python is a powerful tool for raising and propagating exceptions.

By utilizing this keyword, developers can handle exceptional conditions more gracefully, improving the overall robustness of their code.

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