Python assert keyword

Python assert keyword is used in unit tests or code debugging to enforce specific conditions or assumptions in their code.

Assert can be taken literally to mean assumption. The outcome of this assumption can be True or False.

Let’s say you are sure that 2 + 2 is equal to 4. You can confirm this using the assert.

If the assumption is correct, it returns True and if the assumption is wrong, it returns AssertionError.

It acts as a check, validating that a given expression evaluates to True.


The syntax for using the assert keyword is simple:

assert boolean expression, ‘error message’

The expression is the condition that should evaluate to True.

If it evaluates to False, an AssertionError is raised. The optional message parameter is an additional string that can be provided to provide more information about the failed assertion.

Let’s consider a simple example to understand the assert keyword in action:

def func(x, y):
    assert y != 0, "Cannot divide by zero!"
    return x / y

print(divide(10, 5))
print(divide(10, 0))


AssertionError: Cannot divide by zero!

In the above example, the assert statement checks whether the divisorĀ  (y) is not zero before performing the division operation. If the divisor is zero, an AssertionError is raised, and the specified message is displayed.

Benefits of Using the assert Keyword

1. Debugging

The assert keyword serves as a powerful debugging tool. By placing assertions at strategic points in your code, you can quickly identify and fix issues during development.

2. Documentation

Assert statements act as self-documenting codes, providing explicit assumptions and invariants about the program’s state. They enhance code readability and make it easier for others (or your future self) to understand the intended behaviour of the code.

3. Defensive Programming

By incorporating assertions into your code, you can catch errors early and prevent unexpected behaviour or incorrect calculations from propagating further. It helps you write more robust and reliable code.

4. Testing

The assert keyword is invaluable when writing tests and validating expected results. You can use assertions to verify that certain conditions hold true and ensure that your code produces the expected output.

5. Code Optimization

In some cases, assertions can be used to optimize performance. By eliminating certain assumptions that are no longer valid, you can reduce unnecessary calculations or branch evaluations.


The assert keyword in Python is a powerful tool for enhancing code quality and ensuring program correctness.

By incorporating assertions in your code, you can catch bugs early, document assumptions, and create more robust and reliable software.

However, it’s crucial to use assertions judiciously and follow best practices to maximize their benefits.

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