Dates and times – Python Datetime

The standard installation comes with the Python datetime module that allows you to work with dates and times. This module is shipped with classes that enable you to manipulate dates and times, including:

  • date
  • time
  • datetime
  • timedelta
  • timezones
date Represents date without time
time This represents a time without a date
datetime Combination of date and time
timedelta The difference between time, date or datetime objects
timezones Specifies the local time zone and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

Working with dates and times

Now, let’s see how to work with date and time classes in the datetime module.

#working with date

from datetime import date

#date constructor takes year, month, day

dt = date(2022,2,20)


#output - 2022-02-20

#same as

dt = date(day=20, month=2, year=2022)


#output - 2022-02-20

#accessing day, month and year

dd =

mm = dt.month

yy = dt.year





# 20

# 2

# 2022

The following example demonstrates how to work with time class in the datetime module.

#working with time

from datetime import time

#time constructor accepts hour, month, second, microsecond and so on

tm = time(7,30,45)


tm = time(hour=2, minute=15, second=59)



# 07:30:45

# 02:15:59

Datetime and timedelta classes

While the datetime objects have a combination of date and time, the timedelta class is used to determine the difference between dates and time objects.

from datetime import datetime

dt1 = datetime(2022,2,20)


dt2 = datetime(2022,2,20,4,20,59)


Now, let’s use the timedelta to represent a given amount of time and then add it to a datetime object.

from datetime import datetime

from datetime import timedelta

dt =

#using timedelta to determine difference

td = timedelta(weeks=2, days=10, minutes=30, seconds=10)

dd = dt + td


#2022-10-07 07:54:41.113542

Converting dates and times to string

To convert date and time objects to strings, you can make use of the strftime method. This method takes formatted codes as arguments.

from datetime import datetime

from time import time

dt =

str_date = dt.strftime('%d-%m-%y')



# 13-09-22

Here are some formatting codes that you can use for formatting date and time objects.

Code Meaning Example
%d Day of the month 22
%m Month as number 12
%y Year, short version 22
%Y Year, full version 2022
%a Weekday, short version Mon
%A Weekday, full version Monday
%b Month, short version Jan
%B Month, full version January
%H Hour (24-hour clock) 23
%I Hour (12-hour clock) 2
%p AM/PM
%M Minute
%S Second
%c Local date and time Tue Sep 13 09:53:43 2022
%Z Timezone UTC/GMT
%z UTC offset +0100

Converting strings to date and time objects

You can use the strptime method to convert a string into date and time objects as shown below:

from datetime import datetime

dd = '12/12/1999'

dt = datetime.strptime(dd, "%d/%m/%Y")


Aware and Naive date and times

In Python, the concept of dates and times are categorized under the aware and naive datetime objects.

A date or time object is considered aware if it includes timezone information, and naive if it doesn’t include the timezone information.

Since a naive date or time object doesn’t have timezone information, it will be impossible to relate or compare date and time with that of other time zones.

In order to make date and time-aware objects, you have to include timezone information in the constructor class. However, you would need to install pytz module using pip install and import the module to be able to do so.

from datetime import datetime

import pytz

tz = pytz.UTC

dd = datetime(year=2022, month=9, day=7, tzinfo=tz)


tz = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern')

dd = datetime(year=2022, month=9, day=7, tzinfo=tz)


dd =

#localize datetime

dd = pytz.timezone('Africa/Accra').localize(dd)


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